Positioning of elements

Positioning of elements

Positioning 'classic' elements is based on the model of blocks, which are placed to fill the page space from left to right and top to bottom

However, this model does not adapt well on mobile devices, where we will encounter problems with the size, orientation in the browser and even in the reordering of the elements to fit the type of device

To solve these problems appeared model of flexible positioning, which simplifies these tasks considerably

However, this model is too detailed to organize the overall structure of the website

For that reason, the model grid, which divides the space into a virtual grid and creates an array divided into cells within that grid, assigning the elements to a particular cell that will occupy so many additional cells depending on the size and orientation of the device

These two models are supported in addition to the so-called responsive design, which allows our website to adapt to the device on which it will be viewed: smartphones, tablets or desktop PCs

Model block

The boxes of the elements are placed by default following the 'normal flow', that is, pushing the boxes left and up

You can use the property position to modify the 'normal flow‘:

  • position: static it is the mode of positioning by default
    The box will occupy the position of the 'normal flow
  • position: relative using the properties top, right, bottom and left move your position
    These dimensions indicate the spacing that is left to each side in accordance with the original position of the box
    The rest of the boxes are not affected by this displacement, so they respect their reserved space
  • position: absolute it removes the box from the normal flow and placed the new box in a fixed position with respect to its containing box
    Supports the properties top, right, bottom and left
    You can overlap other elements because it is not respecting your space reserved
  • position: fixed similar to absolute positioning, but you specify the position relative to the window
    This implies that the box maintains its position and does not move when using the scroll bar
  • position: float the box is shifted to one side using the properties left or right, moving it to one end of the containing box or to the first floating box it finds in that direction
    May overlap with other elements that are not floating boxes
  • clear will only apply if there are floating boxes, for force the item to be displayed under the floating box of a certain type with the properties left or right; or anyone with both

Let's use this sample html to be able to check the use of the block model, for this we will use as a basis, the following sample style sheet:

A large font size was intentionally used to force scrolling. Now perform the following exercise so you can check for yourself how the block model works:

  1. Change the positioning of the block a a relative and asignale spacing top of 1em and a spacing left of 2em

    The blue block will overlap the red block, but the reserved space that should have occupied the blue block is preserved
  2. Change the positioning of the block c a relative and asignale spacing top of 1em and a spacing left of 2em

    The pink block will change its position relative to its container (the red block)
  3. Change the positioning of the block a a absolute and asignale spacing top of 1em and a spacing left of 2em

    The blue block will overlap the red block, but since no space has been reserved for the blue block, the red will be placed in the upper left corner
    And if we scroll, the blocks will no longer be visible
  4. Change the positioning of the block a a fixed and asignale spacing top of 1em and a spacing left of 2em

    The blue block will overlap the red block, but since no space has been reserved for the blue block, the red will be placed in the upper left corner
    And if we scroll, we will see that the blue block has been fixed in its position with respect to the window
  5. Change the positioning of the block a a float: right

    The blue block will overlap the other elements, have been placed on the right edge of the screen and no space has been reserved for that block
  6. Change the positioning of the block c a float: right

    The pink block will stick to the right side of your container, the red block
  7. Change the positioning of the block b a float: right

    The red block will stick to the right side of the previous floating element, the blue block
  8. Change the positioning of the block a a float: left and added to p the property clear: right

    The paragraph will be placed under the red block, but will overlap the blue block
  9. Change the positioning of p a clear: both

    The paragraph will be placed below the blue block

Flexible model

The flexible positioning allows you to accommodate the elements of the page according to changes in the dimensions and orentación of the page

It allows us to make a responsive design for our web pages you envisage properly in any device

This standard is relatively recent and is not yet supported by all browsers, but in the future it will be

As advantages you get a more readable and simple code, where you can change the order of the elements regardless of the order in the HTML code

The flexible model is appropriate for placing small components of a web page

To make a general arrangement of the elements of the page, the grid model is being imposed

The main idea is that a flexible container expands or compresses to fill the free space or to fit the available area

So we'll have a flex container and a series of flex item

To define a container, we will use the property display: lex (or display: kit-web.flex if we want Safari support)

All the elements will be elements flex

This model does not use concepts such as horizontal or vertical sorting, but defines a main axis and a secondary axis (cross axis)

This easily adjusts the design to the device's orientation changes

For each axis we can place the components at their start (main-start or cross-start) y final (main-end or cross-end)

Let's use this sample html to be able to check the use of the flexible model, for this we will use as a basis, the following sample style sheet:

Direction of the elements

The property flex-direction specifies the direction of the main axis, that is, how elements are placed inside the container

Supports the following values:

  • row
  • row-revese
  • column
  • column-reverse

To check its behavior, add the following CSS to the previous example:

Fit in the main shaft

The property wrap sets whether items need to be adjusted for display in a single row (or column)

Supports the following values:

  • nowrap adjust the elements to a line
  • wrap adjusts the items but without changing its size
  • wrap-reverse adjusts the elements but without resizing them, but in the reverse order of rows

To check its behavior, add the following HTML to the previous example:

And the following CSS:

Alignment of the content

With the property justify-content we can align the elements with respect to the main axis of the container

Allows us to decide what to do with the remaining space

Supports the following values:

  • flex-start board items at the beginning of the axis
  • flex-end board items at the end of the shaft
  • center centers the elements
  • space-between divides the space between the elements, leaving the ends attached to the edge
  • space-around all of the remaining space is distributed around each element

To check its behavior, add the following HTML to the previous example:

And the following CSS:

Fit on the secondary axis

To align the elements with respect to the secondary axis, we have the property align-items

Supports the following values:

  • strech to occupy all the width
  • flex-start aligns elements to the beginning of the axis
  • flex-end aligns items to the end of the shaft
  • center centers the elements

To check its behavior, add the following HTML to the previous example:

And the following CSS:

Properties of the elements

Up to now we have seen properties to configure the main container

Now let's list some very interesting properties to manipulate the elements:

  • order indicates the order in which they appear the element within the container
    In this way it will not be necessary to modify the HTML to reorder the elements, since we will do it by code
  • flex-grow sets the growth factor item
    That is, how it grows in relation to the other elements, as long as the container has free space
  • flex-shrink sets the factor of shrinkage item
    That is, how it decreases in relation to the other elements, as long as the container has free space
  • flex-basis indicates the default size (width) before the free space of the container is distributed
    Normally its default value is left: flex-basis: auto

There is a short form for the properties flex-grow, flex-shrink and flex-basis, simply specifying the value they will take: flex: 1 1 auto

To check its behavior, add the following HTML to the previous example:

And the following CSS:

Model grid

Although the box model flexible allows you to create sites adaptive thanks to the media queries, the model that is being imposed is the grid

In this model, the screen is divided into a grid is virtual, and the designer can choose how many cells of that grid will occupy each element depending on the device

This design has been popularized thanks to Bootstrap created by the developers of Twitter

In Bootstrap the available space is divided into 12 columns of equal size

For each item indicate how many columns will occupy depending on the size of the device

For example, for a sidebar we can indicate that it occupies 2 columns on a desktop, 6 columns (half the total width) for tablets and 12 columns (the entire width) on mobile devices

To achieve this, a set of classes will be used, in this example they would be: .col-md-2, .col-sm-6 and .col-xs-12

Sizes are defined in Bootstrap how to:

  • xs (extra small)
    Screens with width lower than 768px format
    The vast majority of smart phones
  • sm (small)
    Screens with a width less than 992px
    If the xs class has been defined and the size less than 768px, then that class will be applied
  • md (medium)
    Screens between 992px and 1200px
    This range represents the majority of desktop browsers
  • lg (large)
    Screens very big with a width over 1200px
    They are usually large high-definition screens

As you can see in the example, the content is organized into rows (row class) and within these rows we will create the columns with the desired sizes

Media Queries

A media query allows you to use the rules of style sheets depending on the characteristics of the medium (width, height and color)

They were added from CSS3, allow the presentation of the content to adapt to a specific scrape of output devices without having to change the contents and are the basis of adaptive design

They can be used in two ways: by importing a style sheet or by applying them within the same style sheet

Importing style sheets

We can use the media queries to choose different CSS depending on the medium or the characteristics of the same

Currently there are only two supported means:

  • screen a browser
  • print a printer

As can be seen in the example, defining the media type is as simple as adding the attribute media within the element link

It is also possible to indicate conditions about the media type, in the example we have told you to load when the media has a width less than 800px, so that you can use it with tablets

Rules @media

The rules @media allow us to indicate on what media type should apply certain CSS rules

Its generic sintasix is:

The only mediatype supported are screen and print, as we've seen before

As can be seen in the example, media feature allow us to indicate characteristics of the device, and you can add conditions by using logical operators and, not and only

We can using the media feature specify the size of the device, its temptation or resolution, number of colors, etc

Some of the highlights are:

  • aspect-ratio width/height of the device
  • min-aspect-ratio minimum width/height of the device
  • max-aspect-ratio maximum width/height of the device
  • color-index number of colors the device can display
  • width exact width
  • min-width minimum width
  • max-width maximum width
  • height high exact available
  • min-height minimum height available
  • max-height high maximum available
  • orientation orientation, supports values:
    • landscape
    • portrait

Adaptive layout with Media Queries

Let's see two examples with media queries to understand how to make our own adaptive designs, one with the flexible model and another with the model grid

Adaptive layout with the flexible model

In the following example, we create an adaptive layout with the flexible model is very easy

Because we can take advantage of the possibility to reorder the items on that offers us this option

Let's start from a 3-column layout with the navigation bar, the main content and a sidebar

When the size of the browser is less than 640px will go to a single column

The HTML we'll use in the example is as follows:

The CSS code in the flexible.css file that we'll use in the example is as follows:

Adaptive design with the model grid

In the following example, we create an adaptive layout with the model grid is very easy

One of the main limitations is that no longer that we can reorder the elements

We are going to use a grid of type Bootstrap

To do this we will use the classes cols-xs-12 to indicate that in small size the element will occupy 12 columns, col-sm-8 will occupy 8 columns for a small size and col-sm-2 will occupy 2 columns for a slightly larger size

For the change of size small to large has been assigned 768px format

The HTML we'll use in the example is as follows:

The CSS code in the grill.css file that we'll use in the example is as follows: