Category Archives: Programming language

Programming language is a formal language designed to perform processes that can be carried out by machines

PHP operators

PHP operators

PHP has a wide variety of operators

These operators can be distinguished into two groups: binaries, which act on two operands and unaries, which only require one operand

Thus, its general syntax is:

operand1 operator_Binary operand2

operand1 operator_unary

operator_unary operand1

Arithmetic operators

PHP supplies basic operations with the only additions of operators that return the rest of the division between the left and right operators; and the exponentiation, which allows to raise the left operator to the power of the right operator

Arithmetic operators
+ Addition
* Multiplication
/ Division
% Rest
** Exponentiation

Note In other languages the + operator applied to strings concatenates both strings into a single

However, in PHP to perform this operation the operator is used.

Operators of increase (++) and decrease (- -)

These operators are unary operators and they autoincremento and the autodecremento to the variable that applies to them

In addition to modifying the variable, they return the value of the variable

The operator increment or decrement can go before p behind the variable having a different meaning

If the operator is ++, it is placed after the variable is called post-increment, by first taking the value and then increasing the variable by one unit

If the ++ operator is placed before the variable, it is called pre-increment and makes that first to increase in a unit variable and then take the value

If the operator is - - it is placed after the variable, it is called post-decrement, making it take the value first and then the variable is decremented by one unit

If the operator - - is placed before the variable, it is called pre-decrement and makes that first decremente in a unit variable and then take the value

Relational operators

Are used typically in the conditional expression

The relational operators return boolean values

The operands can be numerical or strings

Relational operators

Greater than


Less than

> =

Greater than or equal to

< =

Less than or equal to

! =

Other than that

< >

It's equivalent to ! =

! = =

Different than and of the same type

= =


= = = Same as y of the same type

< = >

Order Comparison (Added in PHP 7)

  • 0 when they're the same
  • -1 when the first operator is less than the second operator
  • 1 when the first operator is larger than the second
? ?

Returns its first operand if it exists and is not NULL

Otherwise it returns its second operand (Added in PHP 7)

Logical operators

The logical operands is related to the relational as they are normally the operands used are the result of expressions in relational

The resulting values are boolean

Logical operators
AND True if both are true
& & It is equivalent to AND
OR True if one of them is true
| | It's equivalent to OR
XOR True if one of them is true, but not both
! If it was true it goes to false and vice versa

Bitwise operators

The way of working of these operators is to convert to the binary operands and then operate with them bitwise

Bitwise operators
| OR
<< Propagation to the left
Shift the value to the left by entering zeros, if it goes out of range, values are lost
>> Spread to the right
Moves the value to the right entering by the left, the sign bit and eliminating the values that are out by the right

Note Propagation operators take two operands: the first is the variable to propagate and the second is the number of positions to propagate

Assignment operators

The assignment is also an operator that returns the variable modified

The assignment operator in PHP is =

The assignment operators shown below are but abbreviations that make expressions more comfortable and simple, even if they are sometimes more unreadable

Assignment operators
Operator Expression Equivalence

$A = $B = $C;

$D = ‘Text’;

$A = $C;

$B = $C;

$D = ‘Text’;

+ = $A + = 4; $A = $A + 4;
– = $A – = 3 * $B; $A = $A – (3 * $B);
* = $A * = 2; $A = $A * 2;
/ = $A / = 35 + $B; $A = $A / (35 + $B);
% = $A % = $B; $A = $A % $B;
. = $D . = ‘ of test’; $D = $D . ‘ of test’;
>> = $A >> = 1; $A = $A >> 1;
<< = $A << = $B; $A = $A << $B;
& = $A & = ($C + = 3); $C = $C +3;
$A = $A & $C;
^ = $A ^ = 2; $A = $A ^ 2;
| = $A | = $C; $A = $A | $C;

Other operators

Selection operator

This operator is used to execute an operation or another depending on the condition

The format is as follows:

Condition ? Exp1 : Exp2

If the condition is met it evaluates and returns the expression Exp1 if not the Exp2

We can put a just value


New operator

This operator is used to create an instance of a type of objects previously defined

The syntax to follow is as follows:

These parameters are passed to the constructor of that object in question

Operador clone

This operator will be used to create a copy of a previously defined object (which invokes, if possible, the method __clone() object)

The syntax to follow is as follows:

When cloning an object, PHP will make a shallow copy of the object's properties

Properties that are references to other variables will keep the references

Once cloning is complete, the method will be called __clone() of the new object (if the method __clone() defined), to allow you to make the necessary changes to your properties

gettype operator

This operator applied to a variable returns the type of object to which belongs the data contained by that variable

Its syntax is:

The values you can return are:

  • boolean

  • integer

  • double

    For historical reasons it is returned double also when it's kind of float

  • string

  • array

  • object

  • resource

  • NULL

  • unknown type


The operator precedence will determine the order in which they are running in a given expression

Using parentheses will check that the operations are carried out according to us we want to

In PHP the preference of the operators from highest to lowest is as follows:

Other operators clone new
Array [ ]
Exponentiation **
(in / de) crease /types ++ – – ^ (int) (float) (string) (array) (object) (bool) @
Other operators gettype
Denial !
Mul / Div / Rest * / %
Addition / Subtraction +
Spread << >>
Relational < < = > > =
Equality = = != = = = ! = = < > < = >
Bitwise AND &
Bitwise XOR ^
Bitwise OR |
AND logic &&
A logical OR | |
Equality ? ?
Other operators ?:
Assignment = + = – = * = * * = / = . = % = & = | = ^ = >> = << =
AND logic AND
XOR lógica XOR
A logical OR OR

Php data types

Php data types

Types in PHP are a representation of data because it does not require variables to declare their type, because all types are converted automatically

Type boolean

The Boolean type simply distinguishes between two states, a success or enabled state, true value, true, and a failure or deactivated state, false value, false

Both states are not case sensitive

Typically, the result of operators that return a Boolean value are passed to a control structure

Numeric types

The numeric types can be divided into real and integer

Type integer numeric

  • Integer

    integer base 10

    Both positive and negative

  • Hexadecimal

    integer base 16

    Placed before the base number 16 0x or 0X

  • Octal

    integer base 8

    We place a zero before the number in octal

  • Binary

    integer base 2

    Placed before the base number 2 0b or 0B

Formally, the structure of integer literals is:

decimal : [1-9][0-9]* | 0

hexadecimal : 0[xX][0-9a-fA-F]+

octal : 0[0-7]+

binary : 0b[01]+

integer : [+-]?decimal | [+-]?hexadecimal | [+-]?octal | [+-]?binary

Numeric type real

The actual is made up of a whole part and the other fractional separated by a point of the previous

The fractional part can be composed by an indicator of exponent E or E followed by an integer that indicates the value of the exponent

Formally, the structure of the actual type literals is:

LNUM : [0-9]+
DNUM : ([0-9]*[\.]{LNUM}) | ({LNUM}[\.][0-9]*)
EXPONENT_DNUM : [+-]?(({LNUM} | {DNUM}) [eE][+-]? {LNUM})

  • Float

    is a floating-point numerical value

    Both positive and negative

    Its size depends on the platform, although its value can be a maximum of approximately 1.8e308, with an accuracy close to 14 decimal digits (IEEE 64 bit format)

    Additionally, rational numbers whose base 10 representation is equal to that used as a floating-point number, such as 0.1 or 0.7, do not have an exact representation as base 2 floating-point numbers, which is the internally employed basis, regardless of the mantissa size

    Therefore, they cannot be converted to binary without a small loss of precision

    Being able to result in precision errors such as floor( (0.1 + 0.7) * 10); normally it would return 8, however, it would return 7, since in its internal representation it will be 7.9999999999999991118...

    Therefore, it is not recommended to trust results with floating-point numbers and not to use the comparison of floating point numbers directly

    If you need more precision, use the mathematical functions of arbitrary precision and the functions of gmp

  • Double

    is equivalent to Float and does not provide substantial differences

    In other languages it has double precision, but in PHP it has been maintained for historical reasons and it is advisable to better use the functions that work with Float

  • NaN

    Some numerical operations may result in a value represented by the NAN constant

    This result represents an undefined or unrepresentable value using floating point calculations

    Any comparison, whether strict or not, of this value with any other value, including itself, except for TRUE, will result in FALSE

    Since it represents any number of different values, it should not be compared with other values, including itself; instead it should be checked using the function is_nan()

Type string

A string is a string of characters delimited by quotation marks

Where each character is a byte

This means that PHP only supports a set of 256 characters, hence it does not offer native support for Unicode

A string can only contain up to 2 GB in size (2147483647 bytes maximum)

A string literal can be specified in four different ways:

  • single quote

    are specified between the characters opening and closing

    To specify a single literal quote, you must escape with a backslash (\). To specify a literal backslash, duplicate (\\)

    All other instances of backslashes will be treated as a literal backslash: this means that other escape sequences that could be used, such as \r or \n, will be displayed literally as specified, instead of having any other special meaning

    Keep in mind that variables and escape statements for special characters will not be expanded when they are included in a string in single quotes

  • double quotes

    are specified between the characters " opening and " closing

    The most important feature of double string quotation marks is the fact that variable names are expanded

    PHP will interpret the following escape sequences as special characters:

    Code Description
    \n line feed (LF or 0x0A (10) in ASCII)
    \r carriage return (CR or 0x0D (13) in ASCII)
    \t horizontal tab (HT or 0x09 (9) in ASCII)
    \v vertical tabulator (VT or 0x0B (11) in ASCII) (since PHP 5.2.5)
    \e escape (ESC or 0x1B (27) in ASCII) (since PHP 5.4.4)
    \f page feed (FF or 0x0C (12) in ASCII) (since PHP 5.2.5)
    \\ backslash
    \$ dollar sign
    \" double quotes
    \[0-7]{1,3} the sequence of characters that matches the regular expression is a character in octal notation, which silently overflows to fit into a byte ("\400" === "\000")
    \x[0-9A-Fa-f]{1,2} the sequence of characters that matches the regular expression is a character in hexadecimal notation
    \u{[0-9A-Fa-f]+} the character sequence that matches the regular expression is a Unicode code point, which will be printed to the string as that UTF-8 representation of the code point (added in PHP 7)

    As in the simple quotation mark of a string, escaping any other character can result in the backslash also being displayed

    Prior to PHP 5.1.1, the backslash of the \{$var}

  • heredoc syntax

    are specified by the characters <<< followed by the operator EOT and ends with the EOT operator followed by the ; closing

    The closing identifier must start in the first column of the new line

    Also, the identifier must follow the same naming rules as tags in PHP: it must contain only alphanumeric characters and underscores, and must start with an alphabetic character or underscore

    It is very important to note that the line with the closing identifier must not contain any other characters except the semicolon

    The identifier must not be indented, and there should be no space or tab before or after the semicolon

    The first character before the closing identifier must be a line break defined by the local operating system

    \n UNIX systems, including Mac OS X

    In addition, the closing delimiter must also be followed by the newline

    If this rule is broken and the closing identifier is not clean, will not be considered as a closing identifier, so PHP will continue to look for one

    If no appropriate closing identifier is found before the end of the file, a parsing error will occur on the last line

    You cannot use Heredoc to initialize the properties of a class

    Since PHP 5.3, this limitation is valid only for an heredoc that contains variables, as it is possible to initialize static variables and class properties/constants

    In that version we also introduced the possibility of quoting the opening identifier in Heredoc

  • nowdoc syntax (since PHP 5.3)

    is to strings with single quotes the same as Heredoc is to strings with double quotes

    A nowdoc is specified similarly to a heredoc, but no analysis is performed within the nowdoc

    The construction is ideal for embedding PHP code or large pieces of text without having to escape them

    Share some common features with construction SGML, where a block of text is declared that is not parsed

    A nowdoc is identified by the same sequence used for heredoc, <<<, but the identifier that follows it is delimited with single quotation marks

    All rules for heredoc identifiers also apply to nowdoc identifiers, especially those that refer to the use of the closing identifier

Variable analysis

When a string is specified by double quotation marks or by heredoc, variables within that string will be parsed

There are two types of syntax:

  • simple

    is the most employed and practical

    Provides a way to embed a variable, an array value, or a property of an object within a string with minimal effort

  • complex

    can be recognized by the keys that delimit the expression

Simple syntax

If a dollar sign ($) is found, the analyzer will take the largest number of symbols to form a valid variable name

Delimiting the variable name with braces allows you to explicitly specify the end of the name

Similarly, you can analyze the index of an array or the property of an object

With array indices, the closing bracket (]) marks the end of the index

The same rule can be applied to object properties and simple variables

Complex syntax

Allows the use of complex expressions

Any scalar variable, array element, or object property with a representation of type string can be included through this syntax

You simply type the expression the same way it would appear outside the string, delimiting it with { and }

Given that { cannot be escaped, this syntax will be recognized only when the $ immediately follow the {

Use {\$ to get a {$ literal

Some examples to make it clearer:

With this syntax, it is also possible to access the properties of a class by using variables within a string

Functions, method calls, static class variables, and class constants within {$} work from PHP 5

However, the accessed value can be interpreted as the variable name in the scope in which the string is defined

The use of simple keys ({}) will not be used to access the value returned by functions or methods, or the values of static class constants or class variables


An array in PHP is actually an ordered map

A map is a type of data that associates values with keys

This type is optimized for several different uses; it can be used as an array, list (vector), associative table (hash table – an implementation of a map), dictionary, collection, stack, queue, etc

Since the values of an array can be other arrays, multidimensional trees and arrays are also possible

The following syntax is used to create an array:

Where we have the function array() which serves as a constructandr and takes as parameters key/value pairs separated by commas and joined with the symbols =>

The comma after the last element of the array is optional, and can be omitted

Since with PHP 5.4 you can also use the short array syntax, which replaces the function array() with []

The key can be an integer or a string

In addition, the keys must comply with:

  • A strings containing a valid integer will be mourned to the integer type

    The key "8" will actually be stored as 8

    "08" not be converted as it's not a valid decimal integer number

  • A float will be forced to integer, which means that the decimal part be removed

    The key 8.7 actually be stored as 8

  • A Boolean be forced to integer also, namely, the true key will actually be stored as 1 and false as the key 0
  • Un null será forzado a string vacío, es decir, la clave null en realidad será almacenada como ""
  • Arrays and objects can not be used as key

    If we do, we will place a warning: Illegal offset type

  • If several elements in the declaration of the array using the same key, only the latter will be used, the others being overwritten

The key is optional and if not specified, PHP will use the increase in the key rate previously used integer greater

You can specify the key only to some elements and exclude others:

Array elements can be accessed using the syntax array[key]

Note Both brackets as the keys can be used interchangeably to access array elements ($array[42] and $array{42} will have the same result in the previous example)

Since PHP 5.4 is possible to refer to the array of the result of a call to a function or method directly

In previous versions it was only possible using a temporary variable

Since PHP 5.5 it is possible to directly reference an element of an array literal

Note Trying to access a key part of an array that is not defined is the same as accessing any other undefined variable: an error message will be issued level E_NOTICE, and the result will be NULL

An existing array can be modified by explicitly setting values ​​in it

This is done by assigning values ​​to the array, specifying the key in brackets

This can also be omitted, resulting in an empty pair of brackets ([])

If $arr does not yet exist, it is created, this being also an alternative way to create an array

However, this practice is discouraged because if $arr already contains a value (a string of a request variable), this will be in place and [] can really mean the access operator strings

It is always better to initialize variables through direct allocation

To change a certain value must be assigned a new value to that element using its key

To remove a key/value pair, call the function unset()


A Iterable is a pseudotype introduced in PHP 7.1

Accepts any array or object that implements the interface Traversable

These two types are crossed with foreach and can be used to yield from within a generator

Iterable may be used to indicate that a function requires a set of values, but no matter the form of the whole and it will be used with foreach

If a value is not an array or an instance of Traversable, it will launch a TypeError

Parameters declared as iterable be used NULL or an array as the default


Objects consist of a set of values, properties, and a set of methods applied to those values

It is these methods that allow us to modify the state of that object, that is, the value of its properties

Let's create a academic sample object where you have the properties: Name, Surname, Age and Identity card

The instance of the object we'll create using the new operator as follows:

You can initialize all variables to have the kind we want, we will use the class constructor passing the arguments we need

From PHP 7 we can also specify the type of the argument

By keyword $this we can reference to the current object

The properties of an object can be described by other objects

The definition of methods associated with an object can be specified in the object definition

For example, for the university object we define a function that shows the student's first name, age, last name, id, and middle grades

To access the properties or methods will use the operator ->


A resource type is a special value variable, which contains a reference to an external resource

Resources are created and used by special functions

You can be obtained by the resource type function get_resource_type()

Thanks to the reference-counting system introduced with PHP 4's Zend Engine, a resource that is no longer referenced is automatically detected and is released by the garbage collector

For this reason, rarely you need to free the memory manually

Note Persistent links to databases are an exception to this rule

They are not destroyed by the garbage collector to being persistent connections

Null value

PHP variables can be assigned a value indicating the empty value, this value is the value NULL

A variable is considered NULL if:

  • has been assigned the constant NULL
  • has not yet been assigned a value
  • has been destroyed function unset()

The constant NULL is insensitive to case sensitive

The conversion of data types

First of all, remember that PHP does not need type declaration

The contents of the variable will be converted automatically in the course of the programme according to its use

The type conversion scheme is based on the following principle: the associated type corresponds to that of the left operand

This is because the evaluation is done from left to right

The first expression will convert the variable $a_number in a string of characters because the operand on the left $a_string is a string of characters

This expression concatenates the two character strings and the result of x is: "742"

In contrast, the second expression converts the string $a_string in a numerical value because the operand on the left $a_number, is a number

This second expression sums the two numbers and the result of and is: 49

Type conversion cannot be done in all possible cases: certain character strings cannot be converted to number

Such conversions fail with an error

The behavior of automatic array conversion is currently undefined

Because PHP supports string indexing using offsets using the same syntax used in array indexing, the following examples are valid for all PHP versions:


Casting in PHP works the same way as in C, where the name of the desired type is enclosed in parentheses before the variable you want to force

Type Forced
(int), (integer) integer
(bool), (boolean) boolean
(float), (double), (real) float
(string) string
(array) array
(object) object
(unset) NULL (added in PHP 5)
(binary) y prefijo b binary string (added in PHP 5.2.1)

Tabs and spaces are allowed within parentheses, so the following examples are functionally equivalent:

Example of literal snapping of strings and variables to binary strings

Double quotation marks allow you to avoid forcing a variable to string, because the result is equivalent

Converting to boolean

To explicitly convert a value to the boolean type, use casting (bool) or (boolean)

However, in most cases it is unnecessary, because a value will be converted automatically if an operator, function, or control structure requires an argument of type boolean

A value can also be converted to the boolean type using the function boolval()

When converting to boolean, the following values are considered FALSE:

  • the boolean FALSE
  • the integer 0 (zero)
  • the float 0.0 (zero)
  • the string value empty, and the string "0"
  • an array with zero elements
  • an Object with zero member variables (PHP 4 only)
  • special type NULL (including variables not set)
  • SimpleXML objects created from empty tags

Any other value is considered TRUE (including a resource variable)

Note: -1 is considered TRUE, like any other non zero (whether positive or negative)

Converting to integer

To explicitly convert a value to the integer type, use casting (int) or (integer)

However, in most cases it is unnecessary, since a value will be automatically converted if an operator, function or control structure requires an argument of type integer

A value can also be converted to the integer type by function intval()

If a resource is converted to integer, the result will be the number one resource assigned to the resource by PHP at runtime

From Booleans

FALSE will produce 0 (zero), and TRUE will produce 1 (one)

From floating point numbers

When a float is converted to an integer, the number be rounded towards zero

If the value of type float is below the limit of an integer (usually +/- 2.15e+9 = 2^31 on 32 bit platforms and +/- 9.22e+18 = 2^63 64 bit platforms other than Windows), the result is undefined, because float does not have sufficient precision to deliver the result as an exact integer

No warning is displayed, not even a warning when this happens

Note From PHP 7, instead of being indefinite and platform dependent, NaN and Infinity always be zero forcing type to integer

Note You should never turn an unknown fraction to integer, as sometimes can lead to unexpected results

From strings

If the string does not contain any of the '.', 'E', or 'E', and the numerical value is within the bounds of the integer type (as defined by PHP_INT_MAX), the string is evaluated as an integer

In all other cases it will be evaluated as a float

The value is given by the initial portion of the string

If the string starts with valid numeric data, this will be the value used

Otherwise, the value is 0 (zero)

A valid numeric data is an optional sign, followed by one or more digits

Do not wait for the code of one character by converting it to integer, as in C

Use functions ord() and chr() to convert characters to their ASCII code

From other types

The behavior of converting to integer is undefined other

Do not rely on any observed behavior, as it can change without notice

Converting to floating point number

To explicitly convert a value to the float type, use the casting (float) or (double) or (real)

However, in most cases it is unnecessary, because a value will be converted automatically if an operator, function, or control structure requires an argument of type float

A value can also be converted to the type float by function floatval()

From strings

If the string does not contain any of the '.', 'E', or 'E', and the numerical value is within the bounds of the integer type (as defined by PHP_INT_MAX), the string is evaluated as an integer

In all other cases it will be evaluated as a float

The value is given by the initial portion of the string

If the string starts with valid numeric data, this will be the value used

Otherwise, the value is 0 (zero)

Valid numeric data is an optional sign followed by one or more digits (optionally may contain a decimal point), followed by an optional exponent

The exponent is an 'e' or 'E' followed by one or more digits

From other types

The conversion is the same as if the value had been converted first to integer and then to float

Starting with PHP 5, a warning is generated if you try to convert an object to float

Converting to String

To explicitly convert a value to the string type, use the casting (string)

However, in most cases it is unnecessary, since a value will be automatically converted if an operator, function or control structure requires an argument of type string

A value can also be converted to the string type by function strval()

There is also an automatic conversion when used display functions echo or print

From Booleans

The value TRUE of the type boolean is converted to the string "1"
The value FALSE of the type boolean is converted to the string "" (the empty string)

This allows the conversion in both directions between the values ​​boolean and string types

From numbers

An integer or float is converted to a string that represents the number textually (including the exponent part for float)

Floating point numbers can be converted using exponential notation (for example 4.1E+6)

Note The character for the decimal point is defined in the script locale variable (category LC_NUMERIC). See the function setlocale()

From arrays

Arrays are always converted to the string " Array"

For this reason, echo and print can't by themselves display the contents of an array

To view a single item individually, use a construct such as echo $arr[‘foo’]

You can use the function print_r to perform the conversion and visualize the contents of the entire array

From object

Objects from PHP 4 are always converted to string "Object"

To get the class name of an object, use the function get_class()

Since PHP 5, you can use the method __toString when relevant

You can use the functions print_r or var_dump() to see more effective means of inspecting the content of these types

From resource

A resource is always converted to string with the structure "Resource id #1", where 1 is the resource number assigned to the resource by PHP during execution

Although it should not be dependent on the exact structure, because it is subject to changes during execution, it will always be unique for a given resource within the lifetime of that running script (that is, a web request or CLI process), so it won't be reused

To get the type of a resource, use the function get_resource_type()

You can use the functions print_r or var_dump() to see more effective means of inspecting the content of these types


NULL is always converted to an empty string ""

From other types

Most PHP values can be converted to a string for permanent storage

This method is called serialization, and is performed by the function serialize()

Because the PHP engine was built with support for WDDX, PHP values can also be serialized as well formed XML text

Converting to array

From object

If you convert an object to an array, the result is an array whose elements are the properties of the object

Keys are the names of member variables, with some notable exceptions: private variables have the class name at the beginning of the variable name; protected variables have a '*' character at the beginning of the variable name

These values added at startup have null bytes on the sides

This can result in some unexpected behaviors:


If you convert a value NULL to array, you get an empty array

From other types

For any of the types: integer, float, string, boolean, and resource, converting a value to an array results in an array with a single element, with index 0, and the scalar value that was converted

In other words, (array) $scalarValue is exactly the same as array($scalarValue)

Converting to object

If an object becomes an object, it is not modified

From other types

If a value of any other type becomes an object, a new instance of the built-in stdClass class is created

If the value is NULL, the new instance will be empty

An array becomes an object with the properties named as keys and the corresponding values, with the exception of the numeric keys, which will be inaccessible unless they are traversed

Converting to resource

Since the resource variables contain special managers to open files, connections to databases, graphic areas for images and the like, the conversion to resource type is meaningless

Conversting to NULL

Note This feature has been declared deprecated as of PHP 7.2 and its use is totally discouraged

Converting a variable to null using (unset) $var will not delete the variable or destroy its value

It will only return one value NULL

Control structures in PHP

Control structures in PHP

For control structures, PHP has the control sentences typical of high level languages

Variable statement

Variables in PHP are not assigned a predefined type

In PHP the type of variables depends on the value they contain at all times

Therefore it performs an automatic conversion of types

PHP recognizes the following types of values:

  • Numbers

    integers and real

  • Boolean values

    true and false

  • Strings
  • Arrays

    data type that associates values with keys (such as an ordered map)

  • Iterables

    pseudotype introduced in PHP 7.1

    Accepts any array or object that implements the interface Traversable

  • Resources

    reference to an external resource

  • The value null
  • Objects

    Created by the programmer or pre-defined by the language

Since there are no types of a priori variables, we do not have to specify the type of variable when declaring it

The variable declaration is made by prepending the reserved word $ to the variable name

It is possible to assign the value when we declare

The if sentence

The if sentence has the form:

The parentheses associated that define the condition are not optional

If the condition is true, instruction 1 will be executed; otherwise it is executed if there is instructution 2

The use of the sentence else is optional, so brackets have been used in the definition

If omitted, the instruction block will only be considered when the condition is true

A block of instructions is a set of instructions bounded by curly brackets

Keys after sentencing if are not required

If omitted and the condition was true, the following instruction will be executed

Otherwise, the subsequent instruction will be executed, independent of the condition state

Thus, the omission of keys after the sentence if it will allow us to write everything on a single line finished in ;

The elseif sentence

We can also use sentences if anities by sentencing elseif

Sentences elseif work just like a sentence if

But they will only be executed in case the condition of the sentence if was false

The switch sentence

Makes is select a group of sentence among several possible

It is an alternative to the use of sentences elseif anities

Its syntax is:

The expression in parentheses of the switch must be integer or string

Your result will be compared with the different values of the case

If it matches one of them, the following sentence will be moved to the case with that value and consecutive instructions will continue to be executed until a sentence is found break or reach the switch lock keys

In case the result of the expression does not match any value, execution will be passed to the next statement sentence on the label default, if there were, and it will continue as a case

The values in the case can be a constant expression

There can be two case with the same value

Unlike other languages, the sentence continue applies to switch and acts in a similar way to break

If you have a switch within a loop and want to continue to the next iteration of the outer cycle, it will be used continue 2

You can use a semicolon instead of a colon after a case

Consecutive instructions will continue to be executed normally until a sentence is found break or reach the switch lock keys

The match statement

It was added in PHP 8.0 version

Makes is select a group of sentence among several possible

It is an alternative to the use of sentences elseif nested and is similar to the statement switch

Similar to a sentence switch, a match expression has a subject expression that is compared against multiple alternatives

Unlike switch, will be evaluated at a value very similar to that of ternary expressions

But using an identity check (===) instead of a weak equality check (==)

Return a value

Subsequent values ​​are no longer processed, as is done in statements switch

It is not possible to execute blocks of code in each condition, as is done in statements switch

The expression used in the match must be complete, if it is not handled by any case the exception will be thrown UnhandledMatchError

Within the same case it can contain several expressions separated by a comma, it is similar to a OR logical

A special case is the pattern default, which allows matching anything that has not been previously matched

If several default patterns are used, the exception will be thrown E_FATAL_ERROR

Its syntax is:

Let's see how the example about beers that we saw with would look switch, now with match:

The while sentence

The while sentence has the form

The parentheses are not optional

If the condition is met, the sentence or instruction block is executed and the process is repeated until the condition is no longer met

The do sentence

The do sentence has the form

It's very similar to the sentence while, except that the condition goes after the instruction or block of instructions

So they are executed at least once even if the condition is false

The for sentence

In the case of such a sentece, in PHP we can distinguish two variants:

  • The loop for "classic"
  • The foreach loop

The loop for "classic"

This loop has a syntax very similar to that of C / C+

In this syntax:

Initialization creates the counter variable and gives it an initial value

Condition must be fulfilled for the loop to run

Depends on the variable index

Expression updates the value of the variable index

The equivalent of this while expression is:

The foreach loop

This loop has a syntax very similar to the for-each Java

Itera una variable $var sobre todas las propiedades de un objeto $obj que se le pasa

Así para cada valor de $var se ejecutaran las sentencias del bucle

Therefore, the loop will have as many iterations as the object's properties, and in each iteration the variable will have the value of the corresponding object's property with that iteration

Its syntax is:

The break sentence

The break sentence can be placed within a loop or anities loops

When you execute the break sentence exits the loop more internal

To all effects, the break sentence acts as a jump to the sentence following the loop in which it runs

The continue sentence

The continue sentence does not leave the loop but causes the next iteration to run

In the loop while the execution of the continue causes the program flow to jump to the condition

In the for loop the continue execution causes the increment expression to run, and then continue normally with the condition

That is, running the continue prevents the rest of the loop body from running

If you have a switch within a loop and you want to continue to the next iteration of the outer cycle, it will be used continue 2

Functions in PHP

Functions in PHP

To define functions we have the instruction function

After this reserved word is placed the name of the function followed by a list of arguments delimited by parentheses and separated by commas


The argument step is optional and in some cases there may be functions that lack them

For example, the function phpinfo has no arguments

This function shows us information regarding the PHP module we are using and always returns the integer value 1

Type of arguments

Starting with PHP 7 you can optionally declare the type of arguments passed to the function

Supports types string, int, float, array, callable and clases

If the function user misinculated them or uses another type of data, PHP will return an error message indicating it

Default value arguments

Sometimes we need an argument to have a value, to avoid an error, even if the function user does not enter it

Note that default arguments become optional and that all arguments to the left of the first default value are required

Arguments by value or by reference

When we pass a value to a function, even if we modify it, when we exit the function it will retain its original value

This is the default situation and is called a argument by value

Since an in memory copy of the variable is used and when the function is exited, that copy of the variable is destroyed

In the event that we want changes made to the value of the variable to be preserved after exiting the function, we must use the symbol & in front of the variable name

This situation is called a argument by reference

Since a reference to the variable is used in memory, working directly on the variable and when the function is exited, all changes remain

Until PHP 5.0.5 it was possible to indicate that a function was by reference using the symbol & in front of the function name

However, as of PHP 5.3.0 it would go on to indicate with a message call-time pass-by-reference that its use was obsolete

As of PHP 5.4.0 it was completely removed and currently produces a fatal error

That is, only the symbol can be used & when passing arguments, never in the function name

We can only pass by reference:

  • Variables
  • References returned from functions

The return statement

The statement return it is the one that allows you to return the result of a function

Starting with PHP 7, you can optionally declare the type returned by the function

Supports types string, int, float, array, callable and clases

To declare the type, the symbol will be written : after the parentheses that follow the arguments and before the start key {

Functions are predefined by the language

Display functions


The function echo is used to send the output of its arguments to the browser

We have continuously used it in previous examples

It has the format:

It has the following characteristics:

  • We can do without the parentheses in their use, since they are optional

  • Converts all information to string before sending it to the browser

  • If we use several echo in a row, we will find that the result concatenates it in the same line

    To solve it we will have to use the HTML tag <br/>
    to jump the line

  • If we use several in a row, we will find that the result does not add a space at the end and therefore the content could show incomprehensible texts, lacking that space

    To solve it we will have to add a space at the end of the first echo or at the beginning of the next echo


The function printf serves to send the output of your arguments to the browser in a format

It has the format:

To format a text you have to enter the following formatting characters preceded by the symbol %:

Format characters for text
Character Description

Literal percentage character

Does not require an argument


The argument is treated as a value of type integer and presented as a binary number


The argument is treated as a value of type integer and presented as the character with that ASCII value


The argument is treated as an integer type value and presented as a decimal (signed) number


The argument is treated with scientific notation (for example 1.2e+2)

The precision specifier indicates the number of digits after the decimal point as of PHP 5.2.1.

In previous versions, it was taken as the number of significant digits (minus one)


Like %e but it uses the capital letter (for example 1.2E+2)


The argument is treated as a float type value and presented as a floating point number (considering locale)


The argument is treated as a float type value and presented as a floating point number (regardless of locale)

Available since PHP 4.3.10 and PHP 5.0.3.


Like %e and %f


Like que %E and %f


The argument is treated as a value of type integer and presented as an octal number


The argument is treated and presented as a string


The argument is treated as an integer type value and presented as an unsigned decimal number


The argument is treated as a value of type integer and presented as a hexadecimal number (with lowercase letters)


The argument is treated as a value of type integer and presented as a hexadecimal number (with capital letters)


The function sprintf serves to assign to its arguments, in a formatted way, the return variable

It has the same format as printf and supports the same formats


The function print_r serves to send the output of their arguments to the browser, displaying understandable information by people about the arguments

It's useful to be able to debug our code

It has the following format:

We can use it to see the full contents of an array

Functions for strings

Let's look at some of the most everyday functions for strings

If you need more, the full list can be found in the PHP manual

Uppercase and lowercase

The function strtoupper returns a copy of the string in uppercase

The function strtolower returns a lowercase copy of the string

Extract String

The function substr serves to extract a substring from the string we pass it as an argument

It has the following format:

Where $start is the starting position of the substring and $length the length that the substring will have

It can be useful when we need to extract a word from a text and we know in advance its position and length

Keep in mind that the position $start should start at 0

String length

The function strlen is used to count the length of the string

It has the following format:

Resuming the string from the example above

Position of a character in the String

The function strpos serves to find the position of a particular character in the string

It has the following format:

Where we find the needle ($needle, is the character to look for) in the haystack ($haystack, is the string we're looking for) and $offset, which is optional, is the starting number you start looking for

Keep in mind that the starting position starts at zero

Unless we specify the value of $offset

Find a text

The function strstr serves to find the first occurrence of a string

It has the following format:

It is very similar to substr, but it saves us having to use strpos intermediate

Array functions

Let's see some of the functions for arrays of daily use

If you need more, the full list can be found in the PHP manual

Count the number of items

The function count serves to count the total number of elements

It has the following format:

Optionally we can use the argument $mode which by default uses the value COUNT_NORMAL (counts elements sequentially) and for multidimensional arrays COUNT_RECURSIVE (count the elements recursively, that is, it goes through all the multidimensional arrays and adds the total number of elements)

Find a value in the array

Check if a value exists

The function in_array is used to check if a value exists inside an array

It has the following format:

Where we find the needle ($needle, is the character to look for) in the haystack ($haystack, is the string we're looking for) and $strict, which is optional, if is TRUE will check the types of $needle in $haystack

If $needle is a string, the comparison is made considering the case

Finding the first value

The function array_search serves to find the first value, if exists, within an array

It has the following format:

Where we find the needle ($needle, is the character to look for) in the haystack ($haystack, is the string we're looking for) and $strict, which is optional, if is TRUE will check the types of $needle in $haystack

If $needle is a string, the comparison is made considering the case

You have to be careful with the values returned by this function because it can return the Boolean value FALSE, but you can also return a non Boolean value that evaluates to FALSE

In versions prior to PHP 4.2.0 returned NULL in the event of a failure, rather than FALSE

Starting with PHP 5.3.0 returns NULL if you pass invalid parameters

Date formats

PHP doesn't have a date type

To work with dates use strings formatted with UNIX style timestamps

These timestamps are an integer value measured in seconds that begin to count from January 1, 1970


To get the current timestamp we can use the function time which has the following format:

The obtained value is easy to manipulate, as we can add multiples to it:

  • 3600 to add hours
  • 86400 to add days
  • 604800 to add weeks

Formatted string

We can also use a format string to work with dates using the function date which has the following format:

Where $format is the string with the format we want to use, $timestamp, which is optional and by default takes the function time, is a UNIX timestamp

To format a date you have to enter the following formatting characters:

Date formatting characters
Character Description

Day of the month, 2 digits with leading zeros


String for the day, three letters


Day of the month without leading zeros

l (lowercase L)

String for the day of the week


Numerical representation ISO-8601 of the day of the week

Added in PHP 5.1.0.


Ordinal suffix for the day of the month, 2 characters


Numerical representation of the day of the week


The day of the year (starting with 0)


Week number of the year ISO-8601, weeks start on Monday


A full textual representation of a month, such as January or March


Numerical representation of a month, with leading zeros


A short textual representation of one month, three letters


Numerical representation of a month, without leading zeros


Number of days of the given month


If it is a leap year


Year according to the week number ISO-8601

This has the same value as Y, except that if the week number belongs to the previous or next year, that year is used instead

Added in PHP 5.1.0.


A complete numerical representation of a year, 4 digits


A two digit representation of a year


lowercase am or pm


uppercase am or pm


Internet time


12 hour one hour format with no leading zeros


24 hour one hour format with no leading zeros


12 hour one hour format with leading zeros


24 hour one hour format with leading zeros


Minutes with leading zeros


Seconds with leading zeros



Added in PHP 5.2.2.

date() will always generate 000000 when taking a parameter of type integer, while DateTime::format() supports microseconds if DateTime was created with microseconds



Added in PHP 7.0.0.

The same observation as for u


Time zone identifier

Added in PHP 5.1.0.

I (capital i)

The date is in summer time or not


Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) difference in hours


Difference from Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) with two points between hours and minutes

Added in PHP 5.1.3.


Time zone abbreviation


Time zone index in seconds

The index for time zones west of UTC is always negative, and for those east of UTC it is always positive


Date ISO 8601

Added in PHP 5


Date in the format RFC 2822


Seconds in UNIX format (January 1, 1970 00:00:00 GMT)

Get a date from a string

Using a delimiter

From a string we can pick up a date using the function explode which has the following format:

Where $delimiter is the character used to delimit the values, $string the string that contains the date we want to manipulate and $limit an optional value whose default value is 1, which indicates the maximum number of return values

If $limit negative will return all values by removing the value of $limit from the end

And if it's 0 it's going to be treated like 1

And then we'll use the function mktime to create the UNIX type timestamp, which has the following format:

Where $hour is the hour, $minute is the minutes, $second, the seconds, $month is the month, $day is the day $year is the year and $is_dst is summer time or not (-1 if is not)

All parameters are optional, in case you don't enter any, the result of the function will be taken time

Starting with 5.1, when the call is made without arguments, it issues a warning of type E_STRICT: use function time() in its place

Converting a string to date format

From a string we can pick up a date using the function strtotime which has the following format:

Where $time is the string from which we want to get the date, $now, which is optional and by default takes the function time, is a UNIX timestamp

Starting with PHP 5.0.0, microseconds started to be allowed, but were ignored

In PHP 5 up to 5.0.2, now and other relative moments are wrongly computed like today's midnight

This differs between versions where it is computed as the current moment

As of PHP 5.1.0 it shows the error E_STRICT and E_NOTICE when errors occur with time zones

And returns FALSE if fails, instead of -1

In PHP 5 through 5.2.7, requests for an occurrence of a given day of the week in a month where that day of the week was the first day of the month, incorrectly added a week to the returned timestamp

This was fixed in 5.2.7 and is maintained in later versions

Before PHP 5.3.0, 24:00 was not a valid format and returned FALSE

The relative time formats that were supplied to the parameter $time such as this week, previous week, last week, and next week were interpreted as a period of 7 days relative to the current date and time, rather than a period of the week from Monday to Sunday