Python exceptions
If an operation cannot be completed due to an error, the program must:
return to a stable state and allow other operations
try to save your work and finish
This task is difficult because usually the code that detects the error is not the one that can perform such tasks this is why you should inform that you can handle it
The most common solution are the error codes
Python offers another way to deal with errors under exceptional conditions: the exceptions
An exceptional condition is one that prevents the continuation of an operation
It's not known how to handle it, but you can't continue
In Python, an exception is thrown for someone who knows how to handle it to handle it in a higher context
In the example the open function checks whether the file readme.txt existed in the system and if it doesn't exist the exception is thrown FileNotFoundError who is untreated at the moment
When the interpreter detects the throw of the exception, the current method ends and launches an object that provides information about the error that occurred
Normally each type of error will be handled individually
Handling of the exceptions
Once detected the error makes it necessary to indicate who is in charge of treating it
An exception handler has the following format:
try block
The block try delimits the group of operations that may produce exceptions
except block
The block except it is the place to which control is passed if any of the operations throws an exception
The example used a block try with his block except to handle the errors in the previous example
If any of the operations in the block throw an exception, the block is interrupted try and runs the except
At the end of this, it is normally continued
If no exception is thrown, the block except is ignored
Multiple exceptions
There is also the possibility to use an exception name to handle specific errors
Some of which are already recognized by the system, such as the exception FileNotFoundError, which is launched when a file does not exist in the system
The example used a block try with several blocks except to handle several exceptions
A block try can have several except associated
We've added the sentence as to the block except after naming it to make it the object of exception we've called and
As you can see, after turning it into an object, we can use it as if it were a class
When an exception does not correspond to any catch spreads backwards in the sequence of invocations until a catch adequate
In the example is managed the exceptions of the methods f1 and f2 and if you don't find any, it continues the execution of the code in the normal way outside of the block try
The sentence has been used raise followed by the name of the type of exception to propagate it and treat it elsewhere
In this case we have treated it within the f1 function itself in its exception blocks
Although spreading it could have been treated outside of it elsewhere in the script
A block has also been used else that allows the code to continue execution in case there are no exceptions before continuing outside the block try
else block
Allows code execution to continue in case there are no exceptions before continuing outside the block try
The block else can be used to exit a loop if the statement is added at the end of a loop break
It is optional and if it is not used, it will continue the execution of the code in the block finally and finally outside the block try
Finally block
There may be occasions in which you want to perform some operation if exceptions occur as if not
Such operations can be placed within a block finally
If there is no exception, the block will be executed try, then the block else and finally the finally
Like the block else, is optional and if it is not used, it will continue to execute the code outside the block try
Rules of use
If an exception can be handle should not be spread
It is more convenient to use methods that do not produce errors
Do not use exceptions to avoid a query
Not to abuse them
To separate the error handling logic
All together Separate
Do not ignore an exception already that we leave the code with errors without control